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Your Color

If you were a color, for me you would be orange, but not just any orange, you would be “fluorescent orange.”

like your smile, like your affection, like your wit and sympathy, like the roses that grew on your terrace and later bloomed in my garden.

You have always been there and in some way you continue to do so, no matter how many times I went out to look for you, it was more the times that you found me.

That was your gift, protecting us from a distance, making us see color in the darkness.



Freehand drawing, collage technique

Pencil 2B

Acrylic Decoart Neons

white gouache

Sapphire blue spray


A3 Sheet - Sheet 42 x 29.7cm - 300gr

IMG_0170 2.JPG
Captura de pantalla 2022-02-24 a las 19.35.26.png
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